Terms of Use


By using our website and our services you are bound to our terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions may continually improve or change over the time, and you are requested to be updated regularly with these changes.

  • DMW Jobs is an online platform to bring Overseas Employers and Job Seekers together, to share, to be informed with new job opportunities abroad.
  • DMW Jobs is not affiliated to any employers or agencies who share jobs in this website or any other people who is a user of this website.
  • DMW Jobs is not responsible for any damages, lose, difficulties caused from the content shared or displayed or updated within our website. For a better user experience, please understand and follow the below mentioned Guidelines, Facts and Points.
  • DMW Jobs does not make any representations or warranties regarding the contents or accuracy of the information that may be posted by its Users, and all Users are advised to exercise utmost diligence and caution in the use of information posted on the website.


For Job Seekers

DMW Jobs is not affiliated to any Recruiters, Employers or Manpower Consultants in any manner. Before we approve any Recruiters to post any kind of vacancies in our website, we do research over the internet if the job and the agency is license and accredited by DMW or Department of Migrant Workers, also we try to verify the authenticity of the Recruiters from other websites and resources but still it is not a fool proof method and there may be errors in information we have verified. Further to that please note that we are not responsible for any fraudulent behavior or acts from any recruiters who post in our website.

  • Jobseekers are advised to exercise due diligence in accepting job offers. They are also advised to verify any information provided by recruitment agencies to ensure its accuracy.
  • Jobseekers agree to use dmwjobs.ph or any information accessed through or found within the site for personal, employment-seeking, and lawful purposes.
  • Jobseekers may submit their resumes directly to any recruiter/recruitment agency through the website.

For Employers/Recruiters

Please provide all the necessary and correct details required for creating your account. After having brief research about you, we will approve you to post jobs.

Employers warrant that any information obtained from the website shall be used solely for lawful activities. Employers agree that any information obtained from this website shall not be compiled for any unauthorized use or sale to a third party. Employers shall not communicate with, or obtain any personal information about, other Users, for purposes other than employment.


DMW Jobs may contain links to third-party websites. These are provided solely for convenience to Users and as Internet navigation tools, and not in any way as an endorsement by DMWJobs.ph of the contents on such third-party websites. Unless otherwise stated on the website, DMWJobs.ph has no control over or rights in such third-party websites and is not responsible for their availability or security. If users access any linked third-party websites, they do so entirely at their own risk. DMWJobs.ph shall not be responsible for the contents of any third-party websites linked to the site or any links contained in such third-party websites or any changes or updates thereto and does not make any representations or warranties regarding the contents or accuracy of materials on such third-party websites. DMWJobs.ph shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with the use of the services or contents of such third-party websites.


By using DMWJobs.ph website, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the website or any of its administrators (including its associated companies, officers, directors, employees, agents, successors and assigns) from and against any claims, actions, demands, injuries, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and litigation expenses on a full indemnity basis) arising from or relating to your use of DMWJobs.ph website or its contents or from their breach of the Terms and Conditions, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. This indemnification shall be in addition to all other obligations of Users under the Terms and Conditions and shall not prejudice any other rights or remedies available at law to dmwjobs.ph.